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Wednesday 1 August 2012

The Journey Starts here !


So . . Wow, the journey begins NOW
My 1st ever blog, and why ? Quite simply I want to build a business online and I want to help others do the same ... eventually
Let me explain my short story, i promise not to bore you too much !
About a year ago  I realised finally that if you want to be successful you are going to have to work for it, its that simple ! My name is Martin McNally , a 19 year old student who is hungry to finally make a success of himself online. I have been hooked by the world of Internet Marketing , networked with some pretty big cheeses and realised that making a decent living online is indeed possible.
My online earnigs to date: $0 . . This is where it starts
So now Im going after the success with passion and determination, and I know im going to acheive it. There you go, ive promised something among millions online that I will be a success.
So let me set my first goal- To acheive $1 earnings online.
Let me be honest ... after around a year of sitting on the computer , searching and searching for that next "get-rich-quick scheme " i needed a good wake up call . And it came in the form of a guy named Richard newton , who i met online. Richard newton has been a fantastic help in making me realise my online missions , and i would like to devote as much thanks to him as possible for getting me organised and on the straight and narrow.
Im going to document my journey on this blog, I hope many people will follow my steps and acheive your goals also.
Please post your comments, I would love to hear from people in my situation that are wanting to start an online business. Lets do it !